Do you think that there will be support for kdenlive at all or is that not going to happen?

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Do you think that there will be support for kdenlive at all or is that not going to happen?

Post by manamaster »

I use Kdenlive a lot and I was wondering if it was possible to integrate it into CGRU because it supports other software I use like Natron and Blender. If it is going to be added that would be amazing and I wouldn't have to deal with manually sending renders over to one of my PCs.
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Re: Do you think that there will be support for kdenlive at all or is that not going to happen?

Post by timurhai »

Afanasy can distribute over farm everything that you can describe via command line.
Some soft, like Blender and Natron has a build in Python (Python API) to create custom dialogs/nodes that can can construct and send job(s).
Even if soft has not any Python (API) you we can use AfStarter ( dialog to construct and send a job.
Timur Hairulin
CGRU 3.4.0, Ubuntu 24.04, MS Windows 10 (clients only).
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