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Post by priel71 »

Hi, on updated cento 7 boxes, we are getting flipped images when doing dailies. I have looked at the packages, and I think the issue is with ImageMagick.

The version that worked as expected, was the older ImageMagick 6.7.x
These new boxes are running ImageMagick 6.9.10-68 Q16 and all of them are creating dailies which are flipped upside down.

Has anyone else had this problem?

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Re: ImageMagick

Post by priel71 »

After some digging, it seems as if Red Hat and by default CentOS has dropped ImageMagick in the future and instead packages their distro with GraphicsMagick. Would it be possible to break out the commands into the config files, so we can set it to either use the regular "convert", or replace it with "gm convert" which is now how we have to access it on Centos distros?
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Re: ImageMagick

Post by priel71 »

Probably not the best idea... seems some of the command line arguments in gm convert are different from the regular ImageMagick arguments. Like -identify for instance.
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Re: ImageMagick

Post by timurhai »

On Ubuntu 18.04 (that we are wirking on) we have:

Code: Select all

$ convert --version
Version: ImageMagick 6.9.7-4 Q16 x86_64 20170114
Copyright: © 1999-2017 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: Cipher DPC Modules OpenMP 
Delegates (built-in): bzlib djvu fftw fontconfig freetype jbig jng jpeg lcms lqr ltdl lzma openexr pangocairo png tiff wmf x xml zlib
And everything works fine.
Timur Hairulin
CGRU 3.3.1, Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, MS Windows 10 (clients only).
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Re: ImageMagick

Post by priel71 »

Yeah strange. It's the same on every box I update.

Anyway, downgraded to a older ImageMagick and it's working fine.

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Re: ImageMagick

Post by priel71 »

This still works fine on Ubuntu? I just upgraded most of our boxes here to Rocky 9.3, and some resolutions are again giving me vertically flipped dailies. The option to downgrade to a ImageMagick 6.7.x package is also not possibel anymore.

I was wondering, a few years back I poked around in the code and saw some nuke references, is it possible to generate dailies with nuke insatead of the ImageMagick / FFMPEG combo? That would perhaps also solve some color space issues when creating dailies as well.


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Re: ImageMagick

Post by timurhai »


It works fine on Ubuntu right now.
Some time ago, when I was working on centos 5 there was very old ImageMagick and FFMpeg packages from native repos.
We have to build needed versions ourselves.
There are download and build scripts for it in CGRU:
Also there was time we need to build Qt, Python and OpenEXR - when native versions were too old in Linux distros.
So it is normal to maintain some core tools yourself.

You can use Nuke or any other soft for dailies, I did not got the question. We use free tools for it, to be able to create is w/o Nuke, but by native Linux tools.

We create dailies from sequences, usually jpegs. Those sequences should be already in needed colorspace, and convert and ffmpeg should not change it.
Timur Hairulin
CGRU 3.3.1, Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, MS Windows 10 (clients only).
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Re: ImageMagick

Post by priel71 »

Apologies for such a delayed reply. Yeah I ended up just doing a custom build of ImageMagick that the workstations can use. Interesting that you guys render to jpgs for dailies, is that in parallel with dpx/exr renders? We generally ingest in resolve each day too, so prefer to view the non-compressed results. I do think your jpeg render flow is very interesting, will try to figure out a way to incorporate it in our workflow. I think this is also why we are at getting flipped dailies, since we generate from EXR. Seems some resolutions flips the image in the never ImageMagick's convert command.

Anyway, you've been helpfull as always, thanks!

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